Saturday, June 21, 2008

Audio Memory (SGD 20 per box)

Audio Memory is taught in the Shichida Method 4 year old class. This aims to stimulate a child's auditory skills and also sharpen their memory base on what they hear. There are 2 boxes in total.

How to play:

(1) Each child is presented with a set of say 6 picture cards spread on the table

(2) Different sounds are played and parent is to point to corresponding picture card.

(3) The series of sound will be played again. No pointing to picture cards required.

(4) The series of sound will be played for the 3rd time in a certain sequence (e.g.
lion roar, sound of running water, sound of a door bell).

(5) Child is expected to arrange the cards in the sequence of sounds that they have
heard form the audio CD.